# CDN Origin Overview

The CDN Origin Overview page shows you important CDN Origin details as well as the ability to update your CDN Origin.


Name Description
Permissions Manage your permissions.
Delete Delete your CDN Origin.
Manage CDN Origin Manage your CDN Origin.
Settings Manage your CDN Origin Settings.

# Manage CDN Origin

Manage CDN Origin


Name Description
Origin Path Enter the origin path.
Add Custom Header - Header Name Enter the header name.
Add Custom Header - Value Enter the value.
Add Origin Domain Add the origin domain by using button Add.
Delete Origin Domain Delete the origin domain by using button Delete.
Protocol Choose the protocol. You can choose between HTTP Only, HTTPS Only, Match Viewer.
HTTP Port Enter the HTTP port.
Minimum origin SSL protocol Enter the minimum origin SSL protocol. You can choose between TLSv1., TLSv1.1, TLSv1, SSLv3.

# Settings

Manage CDN Origin settings.


Name Description
Connection Attempts Enter the number of times that CloudFront attempts to connect to the origin, from 1 to 3. The default is 3.
Connection Timeout Enter the number of seconds that CloudFront waits for a response from the origin, from 1 to 10. The default is 10.
Response Timeout Enter the number of seconds that CloudFront waits for a response from the origin, from 1 to 60. The default is 30.
Keep-alive Timeout Enter the number of seconds that CloudFront maintains an idle connection with the origin, from 1 to 60. The default is 5.

# Confirm

Once you have completed all the fields, click Save to apply your changes.