
Dogecoin Logo


A popular decentralized cryptocurrency featuring fast, low-cost transactions, making it ideal for microtransactions.


# Prerequisites

# CMS Subscription

The following steps cover the setup of the Dogecoin Pro on the AWS Marketplace. Click the “Continue to Subscribe” button at the top of the AWS Marketplace listing page to continue the process. Dogecoin Pro is available as a monthly subscription on the AWS Marketplace. The subscription includes the software's operational and infrastructure costs for running on AWS.

  1. Subscribe to Solodev on the AWS Marketplace. SUBSCRIBE
  2. Review and accept the "Terms and Conditions".
  3. Click "Continue to Configuration".

# Configure Software

  1. Choose a fulfillment option and software version to launch this software.

Dogecoin Configure options

Name Description
Fulfillment option Select a fulfillment option. Default: Amazon Machine Image (AMI).
Software version Select the software version. The latest version of Dogecoin Pro is always recommended.
Region Select the AWS Region.
  1. Click "Continue to Launch."

# Launch Software

Review the launch configuration details and follow the instructions to launch this software.

To continue the installation, click the Launch button below and follow the outlined steps.


# Create Stack

  1. Create a stack.

Dogecoin Pro Create Stack

  1. Click Next.

# Stack Details

# Provide a stack name
  1. Provide a stack name. Stack name must be 1 to 128 characters, start with a letter, and only contain alphanumeric characters.

Dogecoin Pro stack name

# Parameters
  1. Specify the parameters in the setup section.

Dogecoin Pro params setup

Name Description
VPCID Choose which VPC the Application should be deployed to.

An Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is a dedicated environment that lets you launch the AWS resources that power your Dogecoin Pro in an isolated virtual network. If you do not have a VPC, you will need to create one in your VPC Console. For instructions on how to create a VPC, click here for instructions .
PublicSubnet1ID The ID of the public subnet in Availability Zone 1 in your existing VPC (e.g., subnet-a0246dcd).

A subnet is a range of IP addresses contained in your VPC. You can create AWS resources, such as EC2 instances, in specific subnets, enabling you to group network resources more efficiently. If you do not have any existing subnets, you will need to create one in your Subnet Console. For instructions, click here .
PublicSubnet2ID The ID of the public subnet in Availability Zone 2 in your existing VPC (e.g., subnet-b1236eea).

A subnet is a range of IP addresses contained in your VPC. You can create AWS resources, such as EC2 instances, in specific subnets, enabling you to group network resources more efficiently. If you do not have any existing subnets, you will need to create one in your Subnet Console. For instructions, click here .
InstanceType Dogecoin Pro runs on a single Amazon Elastic Compute (EC2) instance and is defaulted to run on a recommended t2.large server. Depending on your traffic needs, you can select an instance size from the available options in the menu.

To learn more about which instance to choose based on your traffic needs, click here .
KeyName Name of an existing EC2 KeyPair to enable SSH access to the instances.

An Amazon EC2 key pair is a set of security credentials consisting of a public and private key that verify a user’s identity when connecting or communicating with an EC2 instance. Select an existing security group from the menu or configure a new security group using the form provided. If you do not have a Key Pair, you will need to create one in your Key Pair Console. For instructions click here .
HostVolumeSize Size in GB of root volume.
DeletionPolicy A Deletion Policy is a configuration that you can set for resources in AWS CloudFormation templates to specify what should happen to the resource when its stack is deleted.
StorageEncrypted Enable encryption for both Database (RDS) and Filesystem (EFS).
AmiAlias An AMI Alias refers to a user-defined name or identifier for an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that simplifies the process of referring to an AMI. Click here to learn more about AMIs.
  1. Dogecoin Settings.

Dogecoin Pro Settings

Name Description
AdminUser The admin username to login onto your Dogecoin.
AdminPassword The admin password to login onto your Dogecoin.
RestoreBucketName Name of S3 bucket containing files for restore.
  1. Click Next.

# Configure Stack Options

  1. Add a new tag. This step is optional.

Tags (key-value pairs) are used to apply metadata to AWS resources, which can help in organizing, identifying, and categorizing those resources. You can add up to 50 unique tags for each stack. If you need more information about tags, click here.

Dogecoin Pro tags

  1. Specify an existing AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) service role that CloudFormation can assume. This step is optional.

Dogecoin Pro permissions

  1. Select the stack failure options.

Dogecoin Pro failure

Name Description
Behavior on provisioning failure Specify the roll back behavior for a stack failure..
Delete newly created resources during a rollback Specify whether resources that were created during a failed operation should be deleted regardless of their deletion policy.

To learn more about the stack failure options, click here .

# Advanced options

  1. You can set additional options for your stack, like notification options and a stack policy. For more information, click here .

Dogecoin Pro advanced options

  1. Click Next.

# Review and create

  1. Review your settings.

  2. Acknowledge the AWS CloudFormation terms.

Dogecoin Pro capabilities

  1. Click Submit.

# Stacks

  1. Watch your CMS being created! Once the status changes from CREATE_IN_PROGRESS to CREATE_COMPLETE, you can access your CMS.
  1. Click on the Outputs tab and copy the AdminUrl value.
  1. Open your preferred browser and paste the AdminUrl value to access the Dogecoin front-end website.

# Choose an Action

  1. Select Launch through EC2.

Dogecoin Actions

  1. Click Launch.

# Launch an instance

Create virtual machines, or instances, that run on the AWS Cloud. Quickly get started by following the simple steps below.

  1. Name and tags. Give your instance a name. You can also add additional tags (Optional).

Dogecoin Name

  1. Application and OS Images (Amazon Machine Image). An AMI contains the software configuration (operating system (OS), application server, and applications) required to launch your instance.

For more information about Amazon Machine Image, click here .

  1. Instance Type. Select an instance type that meets your computing, memory, networking, or storage needs.

Dogecoin Instance Type

To learn more about which instance to select based on your traffic needs, click here .

  1. Key Pair. You can use a key pair to securely connect to your instance. Ensure that you have access to the selected key pair before you launch the instance.

Dogecoin Key Pair

  1. Network Settings. Here you can create or select an existing security group, create an instance that can connect using SSH, and more.

Dogecoin Network Settings

  1. Configure storage. Specify the storage options for the instance.

Dogecoin Storage

For more information about storage, click here .

  1. Click Launch Instance.

  2. You will get a success message. Click on the ID to access your EC2 Instance.

Dogecoin Success Message

# EC2 Instance

  1. Check the Instance State and Status Check of your instance. Once your instance state changed from Pending to Running, click on the instance you created to access it.

Dogecoin Instance

  1. Click on your Public IPv4 address to access your instance.

Dogecoin Public Address

# Choose an Action

  1. Select Launch from Website

Dogecoin Choose Actions

  1. EC2 Instance Type. Dogecoin runs on a single Amazon Elastic Compute (EC2) instance and is defaulted to run on a recommended t2.large server. Depending on your traffic needs, you can select an instance size from the available options in the menu.

Dogecoin EC2 Instance Type

To learn more about which instance to choose based on your traffic needs, click here .

  1. VPC Settings. An Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is a dedicated environment that lets you launch the AWS resources that power your Dogecoin in an isolated virtual network. If you do not have a VPC, you will need to create one in your VPC Console.

Dogecoin VPC Settings

For instructions on how to create a VPC, click here for instructions .

  1. Subnet Settings. A subnet is a range of IP addresses contained in your VPC. You can create AWS resources, such as EC2 instances, in specific subnets, enabling you to group network resources more efficiently.

Dogecoin Subnet Settings

If you do not have any existing subnets, you will need to create one in your Subnet Console. For instructions, click here .

  1. Security Group Settings. A security group acts as a firewall that controls the traffic allowed to reach one or more instances. You can create a new security group or choose one of your existing groups. Select an existing security group from the menu or configure a new security group using the form provided. Name your security group and give it a description.

Dogecoin Security Groups

To learn more about security groups, click here .

  1. Key Pair Settings. An Amazon EC2 key pair is a set of security credentials consisting of a public and private key that verify a user’s identity when connecting or communicating with an EC2 instance. Select an existing security group from the menu or configure a new security group using the form provided.

Dogecoin Key Pair Settings

If you do not have a Key Pair, you will need to create one in your Key Pair Console. For instructions click here .

  1. Click Launch.

  2. You will receive a success message to view your instance. Click on EC2 Console.

Dogecoin Launch Message

# EC2 Instance

  1. Check the Instance State and Status Check of your instance. Once your instance state changed from Pending to Running, click on the instance you created to access it.

Dogecoin Instance

  1. To log in, use dogecoin as the username and your instance ID as the password.

# Next Steps

Dogecoin CDN Logo

Dogecoin CDN

Prerequisites: you need a certificate with the name of site you are trying to launch
and have an existing Dogecoin.

Boost your site's speed by delivering content from servers near your visitors.